10 July 2011

The pleasure of wine depends on its cost

Researchers from the School of Business at Stanford University and colleagues at the California Institute of Technology conducted a study according to which it was found that an expensive wine like more people, regardless of its actual quality.

In the course of a scientific experiment experts invited a group of volunteers to conduct a tasting a few samples of Cabernet Sauvignon and choose a wine that they enjoy more than others.

All participants of the experiment was known to the price of each bottle, which, however, did not correspond to the actual value of the estimated fault. For example, a bottle of wine for $ 90 for the cabernet researchers gave just over 19 dollars, and the wine valued at $ 5 per call is 9 times more expensive.

The results showed that most participants in the experiment called the most delicious wine, the most expensive. According to the head of research, Antonio Rangel, this experience has shown how expectation can affect the actual level of satisfaction received.

It should be noted that the monitoring of brain activity of participants of the experiment confirmed their words - readings showed that the supposedly more expensive wine, and caused more severe brain center activity, which is responsible for pleasure. At the same time, the activity area of ??the brain associated with sensation of taste has remained roughly the same level.

"We have long been aware that marketing affects the way people thought, but now we know that even the brain itself is regulated by the price - said one of the authors of the study, Baba Shiv.

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09 July 2011

Secrets are revealed of Making Worlds Best Delicious Beer

In order to prepare high-quality beer, you need a high level of professionalism and a good soul creators", - says head brewer JSC "Obolon". Tamara Khomenko told the guests that the production of beer - this is a complex biotechnological process. Chain making intoxicating drink is long enough.

It starts at Varnita, where the malt, hops and water are wort, which contains the necessary sugar, nitrogen and bitter substances of hops. This product - the basis for beer. Then fermented wort, which use a special race of brewer's yeast.

Chief brewer "Obolon" reported an interesting fact: in 1 gram of yeast about 2 billion cells of yeast!

Tamara Mikhailovna revealed another secret of making a quality product. This is a mandatory deep cold exposure at a temperature of -1-2 ° to beer was stable and maintained their quality longer.

Preparation of high-quality beer by European standards - it's an art form. Behind the words of Tamara Khomenko, need skilled professionals, experts in their field. And, of course, you must have a good heart and intuition, which is evidence of the professionalism and experience.

Asked about the dangers of beers, the chief brewer JSC "Obolon" told me that it all depends on the amount. "Beer with a moderate use of positive action on human health. As a rule, doctors say the average dose of moderate consumption, which amounts to 40 grams of alcohol per day. This corresponds to 1 liter of beer per day "- said Tamara Khomenko. Chief Brewer said that one of the important characteristics of beer, in terms of impact on the human body are its antioxidant properties. It helps remove free radicals from the human body and prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

"In beer there are many compounds, among them - trace elements, vitamins and polyphenols. They have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, immune-and other useful properties. Polyphenols reduce cholesterol and thereby prevent atherosclerosis. " According to the chief brewer, beer can be called a vitamin cocktail, because the content of vitamins, it is even ahead of wine and other beverages. Therefore, moderate consumption of beer does not harm the human body, and to some extent even improves health.

Tamara Khomenko learn how to create new varieties of beer. After all, the motto of "Obolon" - "Not a single year without a new step." "The development of new varieties by the need of the market. This office is engaged in marketing. And we, knowing what to expect the range of consumers, on what physical and chemical properties to navigate, take into account the technical and technological capabilities, develop recipes, processing instructions, carry out several options for controlling brews, tasting, and select the best start in production. "

All this is done to ensure that the consumer could always enjoy the taste of Ukrainian beer, brewed on "Obolon".

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Red Wine is good friend for Liver than Medication

Red wine slows the accumulation of fat in the liver by antioxidant resveratrol, researchers found. Thanks to the healing drink can prevent serious liver disease, cirrhosis and fibrosis.

Anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol found in grapes, peanuts and berries, have proven effective in the fight against cancers and cardiovascular disorders. Experts at the University of South Florida (USA) found that resveratrol reduces fat and simultaneously contributes to its proper distribution in the liver.

Red wine consumption activates when two molecules - AMP-protein kinase (AMPK) and a sirtuins (SIRT1), which are the key to start the breakdown of fat in the liver. In addition, the resveratrol in wine, helps cleanse the body of unwanted fat. Doctors said the substance will develop a promising agent for therapeutic treatment of people with liver disease, including for people with alcoholic liver disease. While they recommend as a preventive measure to drink no more than three glasses of red wine per week.

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08 July 2011

Non-alcoholic beer helps to stop cancer

Non-alcoholic beer is not just allows a person to enjoy the taste of a drink, but also helps him stay healthy. Thus, Japanese researchers found that frequent consumption of the drink lowers the risk of cancer.

As shown by studies conducted at the University of Okayama, mice treated with water instead of alcohol-free beer were much more resistant to cancer-causing substances than animals receiving water. Thus, the injection of them even substances with high carcinogenic activity, causing the formation of tumors with a probability of about 95%, at worst, cause they have a reversible tissue damage of the liver, lungs and kidneys. A less active carcinogen injection resulted in only minor changes to tissues - on average they were expressed at 85% less than usual at these same doses of drugs.

Now scientists are developing a program of additional research, which will search for "anti-" non-alcoholic beer components. When these components are found, researchers will try to separate them in pure form for subsequent use in pharmacology.

It should be noted that, according to experts, the conclusion about the benefits of non-alcoholic beer should not be "transferred" to the usual. "Despite the fact that non-alcoholic beer in their composition is quite close to normal, we do not in any way we can say that the usual beer as good, - said in an interview with" BBC "Dr. Sakae Arimoto-Kabayashi, one of the authors of this study. - On the contrary, the available data, active consumption of beer may cause serious harm to health. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you replace the beer and other alcoholic beverages from non-alcoholic counterparts.

"Recall that the discussion of the possible benefits of alcohol, especially rather weak, continuing for several decades. It is known that, for example, beer or red wine in moderate consumption reduces the risk of cardio-vascular system. But the data on how they affect cancer risk to date in the scientific literature was not.

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Reasonable dose OR safe OR moderate consumption of alcohol

Dry red wine (we're talking about quality alcohol) - a good antioxidant. Wine slows the aging process, the formation of cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, removes free radicals. But this does not mean that we should drink red wine bottle. The maximum allowed - 150 g.

It is best to drink wine at lunch time, but do not drink them with food. Ideal: a glass of the drink between the first and second courses, but not on an empty stomach. White wine, unlike red just tastes good, it does not have a pronounced positive attributes.

Beer producers convince consumers that the drink is rich in vitamins, because it includes yeast, hops that supposedly improves bowel movements, promotes digestion and circulation, reduces risk of heart disease. But this is pure advertising. I like the doctor did not recommend to my patients to drink beer. But I advise to use it as an external tool. They can be treated hair (rinse, make masks, which include beer), to clean the skin and remove toxins from the body. Just grab a bottle of beer in the bath: wet body drink, rub with salt - will begin the detoxification process, the pores are opened, will all the excess moisture. Although the calorific value of beer is low (only 36 calories per 100 grams), it is very rapidly absorbed gastric mucosa, enters the liver and slows down digestion. As a result, food is digested worse, hence the beer belly. To avoid these consequences, it is best not to abuse beer, a reasonable dose - 200 g drink no more.

Vodka - a great conveyor of useful substances contained in medicinal plants. With it, they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and are better absorbed. Not for nothing that the main component of all medical tinctures - alcohol. The same can be said of the cosmetics industry. Drugs on alcohol, on the one hand, the dried skin, on the other - help of the drug to penetrate deeper into the pores. Sometimes vodka is used as a normalizer temperature. But in this case it is not necessary to take into: it is enough to make a lotion or alcohol rubdown.

Vodka has a vasodilating action. But high blood pressure who are trying to treat the disease with vodka, fundamentally wrong. The body after a glass of vodka will turn a defense mechanism: vessels expanded rapidly begin to narrow. Many people believe that vodka helps to keep warm in winter. This is absolutely the wrong opinion, because expanding the blood vessels in response to an increasing heat of vodka. Hence a large number of frozen drunken people on the streets and a large number of deaths from hypothermia in winter on a background of alcohol. But for outdoor use vodka is good. If, for example, vodka compress to put on the festering sore in field conditions, it will cope with inflammation. So if you have at hand was not Vishnevsky ointment or ihtiolovaya, feel free to use vodka. Dampen the cheesecloth in a drink, put on the night of the abscess and tie. Vodka, taken orally, not profit. If we are talking about healthy eating, we are not talking at all doses of vodka. And if people are interested in how much to drink, not to get drunk, then the dose is determined in practice, because each person body produces different amounts of the enzyme alcohol-gidrazy able in a short time destroy the alcohol.

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07 July 2011

Myths busted about Absinthe Cocktail Liquor Drink

German researchers conducted a new study has witnessed that absinthe does not really have a specific psychotropic effects, which he attributes to public opinion.

As you know, in 20th years of last century, absinthe was banned almost all over Europe and the U.S. as a powerful and dangerous drug. For a long time psychosis and hallucinations caused by the abuse of absinthe, thujone explain the action - an organic compound contained in the wormwood.

In the 80th years of XX century the production and sale of absinthe in Europe have resumed, but the content of thujone in the drink legally limited to 35 milligrams per liter. However, according to scientists, the substance contained thujone in absinthe are not in such high concentrations, it was thought until now.

During the research experts have learned 13 samples of authentic absinthe made before the ban early last century. Researchers concluded that the destructive effect of wormwood vodka unlikely due to high concentrations of thujone.

It turned out that the old absinthe of this substance was no more than a modern, safe and legitimate absinthe. Thujone content in the samples ranged from 0.5 to 48.3 mg / l on average - 33.3 mg / liter.

Thus, the researchers summarize, mental disorders, which provoked a famous absinthe artists who have used this beverage, are only the usual consequences of alcoholism.

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