09 July 2011

Secrets are revealed of Making Worlds Best Delicious Beer

In order to prepare high-quality beer, you need a high level of professionalism and a good soul creators", - says head brewer JSC "Obolon". Tamara Khomenko told the guests that the production of beer - this is a complex biotechnological process. Chain making intoxicating drink is long enough.

It starts at Varnita, where the malt, hops and water are wort, which contains the necessary sugar, nitrogen and bitter substances of hops. This product - the basis for beer. Then fermented wort, which use a special race of brewer's yeast.

Chief brewer "Obolon" reported an interesting fact: in 1 gram of yeast about 2 billion cells of yeast!

Tamara Mikhailovna revealed another secret of making a quality product. This is a mandatory deep cold exposure at a temperature of -1-2 ° to beer was stable and maintained their quality longer.

Preparation of high-quality beer by European standards - it's an art form. Behind the words of Tamara Khomenko, need skilled professionals, experts in their field. And, of course, you must have a good heart and intuition, which is evidence of the professionalism and experience.

Asked about the dangers of beers, the chief brewer JSC "Obolon" told me that it all depends on the amount. "Beer with a moderate use of positive action on human health. As a rule, doctors say the average dose of moderate consumption, which amounts to 40 grams of alcohol per day. This corresponds to 1 liter of beer per day "- said Tamara Khomenko. Chief Brewer said that one of the important characteristics of beer, in terms of impact on the human body are its antioxidant properties. It helps remove free radicals from the human body and prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease.

"In beer there are many compounds, among them - trace elements, vitamins and polyphenols. They have antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, immune-and other useful properties. Polyphenols reduce cholesterol and thereby prevent atherosclerosis. " According to the chief brewer, beer can be called a vitamin cocktail, because the content of vitamins, it is even ahead of wine and other beverages. Therefore, moderate consumption of beer does not harm the human body, and to some extent even improves health.

Tamara Khomenko learn how to create new varieties of beer. After all, the motto of "Obolon" - "Not a single year without a new step." "The development of new varieties by the need of the market. This office is engaged in marketing. And we, knowing what to expect the range of consumers, on what physical and chemical properties to navigate, take into account the technical and technological capabilities, develop recipes, processing instructions, carry out several options for controlling brews, tasting, and select the best start in production. "

All this is done to ensure that the consumer could always enjoy the taste of Ukrainian beer, brewed on "Obolon".


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