Red wine slows the accumulation of fat in the liver by antioxidant resveratrol, researchers found. Thanks to the healing drink can prevent serious liver disease, cirrhosis and fibrosis.
Anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol found in grapes, peanuts and berries, have proven effective in the fight against cancers and cardiovascular disorders. Experts at the University of South Florida (USA) found that resveratrol reduces fat and simultaneously contributes to its proper distribution in the liver.
Red wine consumption activates when two molecules - AMP-protein kinase (AMPK) and a sirtuins (SIRT1), which are the key to start the breakdown of fat in the liver. In addition, the resveratrol in wine, helps cleanse the body of unwanted fat. Doctors said the substance will develop a promising agent for therapeutic treatment of people with liver disease, including for people with alcoholic liver disease. While they recommend as a preventive measure to drink no more than three glasses of red wine per week.
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